Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Yesterday's Post. . .

So yesterday, I was really proud of myself.  I made sure to put up that first-of-my-daily-for-the-whole-summer before sliding in to bed totally exhausted.  And then. . . and then.  I discovered today (right now) that last night's post didn't go through from my ipod.  Apparently, Bloggers app doesn't work in my house.


On the upside, I'm posting now!  And the topic of TODAY'S post is "First Day of Summer Madness."

Here was today's schedule:

7:15am, up and at 'em.  Breakfast, getting dressed, packing bag for the rest of the day.

8:15 on the road!

8:30-9:00 arrive to camp and set up

9:00 - 4:00 FUNergy Camp! Coloring, tumbling, tag, healthy snacks, lake trip, water balloons, upset tummies, front rolls, and seashell searching.  Also, give myself a TERRIBLE sun burn. But don't worry, all of the kids went home with perfect skin.

4:00 - 4:30 clean it aaaaaaaaalllll up

4:30 - 5:30 on the road to baseball!

5:30 - 6:00 watch part of the baseball game. Note that the Kid is now almost a head taller than me and rather handsome. Become disgruntled.

6:00 - 6:45 head to rehearsal.  Realize I've drank almost no water today and forgot to pack a bottle.

6:45. . . obtain bottle of water.  Plastic.Yuck. Dehydration more or less avoided.

7:00 - 10:00 dance. sing. dance some more. sweat gratuitously.  sing and dance. chug water. manage not to faint. AKA, rehearsal.

10:00 - 11:15 find way home.

11:15 to present time: pound water and ibuprofen.  Wrap sunburns in baking soda-vinegar paste (don't knock it. it helps).  Blog (yay!).  Search for dried fruit or granola bar to eat.

Present time onward: cold shower. sleep.

And guess what guys. . . I survived!  In almost 100 degree heat, and without being late once! Woohoo!  Onto tomorrow's adventure.

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