Friday, November 25, 2011

I'm Ba-ack

The hyphenated a's were supposed to tell you this blogpost title is to be read in a sing song voice.  Did it work?  No?  Ok then.  Would you be so kind as to go back and read it again, this time in proper musical spirit?  Thanks very much.

Am I avoiding talking about the fact that it has been two months (ohmyfreakinggosh) almost to the day since I wrote you.  Shameful.  Totally shameful - especially when what I wrote two months ago was an apology for not having written in a few weeks.

So, where have I been?  What have I been up to?  A lot, actually.  Yes, even more than usual.  It is high time however I explain myself to any of you lovely followers who I'm lucky enough to still have.

I have been devoted utterly to my academics this semester - my course load has been pretty close to overwhelming.  I have also, as is my habit, involved myself with everyfreakingshow on campus this semester.  I've completed three out of four back to back shows so far (yay!) all of which were varying degrees of very successful.  I've been relishing living in my own apartment of sorts, with the most amazing roommate God ever blessed a crazy college girl with.

And I've been working very hard at healing.  Recovering in body and mind.  Oh, and you know, there was the whole assault thing.

Yeah, I still haven't found a good way to just slip that into conversation.   You can't really casually throw it out there - it's kind of a conversation killer.  But a big dramatic pause just makes everything seem much more serious than it is.  Not that it isn't serious, but still.  Not. .  . not that serious.  I mean, I am ok.

So yes, I've been very busy.  And I intend to write a few quick posts this afternoon/evening filling you in, before I return to the overwhelming mountain of homework my faculty so generously gave me so I didn't get too bored this Thanksgiving break. . . .

Like I said - I'm ba-ack. . .

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